About Us



2020年、Mei(明)は植物がもはや趣味ではなくパッションであるというターニングポイントに達しました。年々学んだ知識を得て、全ての植物を救いたい気持ちが芽生えました。社内では、「植物を救う人」という評判を築いてきました。その時にピアンテの基本理念である「ひとつも植物を見捨てない 」が生まれました。


  • Piante is a hobby-turned-business venture with the founder Isabella Mei Tofflemire's intent of leaving no plant behind. In 2016, Mei purchased her first cactus, and what ensued next was nothing short of an obsession. Mei obtained various plants, including cacti, succulents, and foliage plants. She would often purchase plants that were left behind, unwanted.

    In 2020, Mei hit a turning point where plants were no longer a hobby but a passion. Through the experience gathered by working with plants. There, the core philosophy of Piante, "No plant left behind." was born.

To help make the world a kinder place for plants.





トフルマイヤー イザベッラ 明

Isabella Mei Tofflemire



  • Born on April 21, 1999, Tofflemire was raised in Tokyo and has a mixed cultural background with an American father and a Japanese-Italian mother. Fluent in Japanese, English, and Italian.

    She has always loved plants, but in middle school when she inherited a plant from a neighbor who moved away, it started to increase. Additionally, her family in Italy greatly influenced her, having an array of plants such as cacti, succulents, and large vegetable gardens.

    In 2020, Mei achieved certification in flower arrangement.